Is this song better than the others? Why?

My band just released our first EP. On it we put two songs that we felt were A-sides and a throwaway B-side. But here's where I get lost. Our throwaway B-side has the most plays of any song we put up, even though it was at the end of the track listing. Multiple people have told me that it was their favorite song. I'm having a hard time understanding this. I don't think it's a very good song at all. Can you give it a listen and clue me in to what I'm missing? Especially some of the musicians here? I want to know what me and my band are missing that a song we think is one of our worst is getting one of the best audience reactions. If we can understand what makes it tick we'll be a much better band.

Here's the song none of us our proud of and everyone likes:

And here's a song we feel is light-years better than it:

What are we missing? I'm just trying to figure out what we did right, because I don't understand it right now. What's better about the B-side?

David V2013-05-03T07:59:58Z

Favorite Answer

I have to say I like the first song. But I have to agree with you and your mates on the second song. As that song grabbed me right from the first note, and the singer, I seem to feel what he was singing about, it had a more laid back tempo which I love in music. I have to go with the second. But I would not through the other in the garbage, it's a good tone also, it just does not hit me like the other.

take care


The first song "Don't kid yourself" has a more melodious catchy tune. It gives out a feeling of joyfullness at least to me.


The first song is great...
the second is good,but i loved the first one...
You're fine ...You just need more innovation and creativity to get better sounds..


I love the first one. Really catchy and fun