how do I get over food poison?


Favorite Answer

There's no cure for food poisoning. You just have to wait for it to's important to keep hydrated. Try drinking pedialyte, instead of just water. If you're holding fluids down, try eating light, bland foods like saltines, rice or noodles.


Bananas, rice, apples and toast is the staple recommendations, but probably something like soup and toast for some nourishment at the start



"It will take a couple of days for you to prevent feeling punk. If you are taking some pepto bismol that may facilitate alot. you do not got to take the liquid. they need caplets currently that you simply do not got to style, simply swallow with some water.
Follow that with some yoghourt to assist restore the natural microorganism in your abdomen and intestines. it will make you are feeling far better.


the only way and best way to get over food poisoning is to RIDE IT OUT ... it's gonna be a bumpy, exhausting ride ... but it will be over before you know it


By seeking medical assistance instead of listening to idiots on Yahoo