How deep in am in the danger of not graduating this year?

I live in the state of New York, and I'm a senior this year, and I'm failing my Algebra 2 & Trig course. In the past for math I've taken Integrated Algebra and passed, Geometry and passed, and Intermediate Algebra which is not a Regents course, but I had to take it because I had done pretty badly in Geometry the previous year, but I passed it. Then in A2&T, I pretty much just turned into literally the worst student ever. I've just gotten extremely apathetic toward this class and decided that because I hated it and doubted I would pass the Regents Exam, I just wasn't going to try at all. At all. There have been weeks where I skipped this class every day, and even now I still skip it at least twice a week usually. I'm passing every other class with at least a B, if not an A, but Trig, man....

So anyway, I know there's no way I'll get an Advanced Regents Diploma, but I don't really care about that because I'm already accepted into college, and not even our Salutatorian and Valedictorian have an Advanced Regents, so whatever. But is there a chance I might not even graduate at all? I mean, I do have three math credits, two of which are Regents credits, which I think that fulfills the requirement for a simple Regents Diploma math-credit wise, but is the fact that I'm failing a class that's not an elective enough that they could keep me back?

I know Yahoo! Answers isn't really the place I should be asking this question, so tomorrow I'm gonna try to see my counselor and see what she says about this. I guess I'm kinda just looking for some general educated opinions on what I might expect... Thanks!


Oh, I'm not going to need this class for college. I took a test from the college I'm going to be attending (hopefully...) next fall and my math skills are good enough that I won't actually need to take any math courses whatsoever at all in college, not even remedial. So literally my only problem right now is just if they'll let me graduate. I won't have any issues with it once I'm in college next semester.


Well I visited my counselor and it looks like I'm good! My previous three math credits have my back, so yay for past-me giving enough sh*ts about math to get me through high school. Thank you to everyone for all the answers, though! :)

@ Erica: So *did* she end up graduating, by the way? :p

@ Nick: I'm so glad someone appreciated my awkwardly worded sentence!

★☆ L⁴☆★2013-05-05T12:06:48Z

Favorite Answer

At least you're not as bad as my older sister, who didn't know if she would graduate high school until the day BEFORE graduation. So don't feel too bad :)

I'm not sure how the New York works with credits, so I'm unhelpful :(

And congrats on the college acceptance! :D


How badly do you want to pass? You need to pass this is will affect the colleges that you may go to if you don't pass this. There is still some of the year left so make this class your number 1 priority. Maybe a tutor would help. Try to do the best you can and don't give up talk to the school counselor about this and see what she had to say and if you will be able to pass


Typically you would continue to college but need to make it up if its a college requirement. Typically you'd have to do a college semester with the failed course and non program credit courses like english and electives. If its not a required course I doubt it matters. Also worst case it was needed to hit the credits to graduate and you take a summer course in whatever to get the credits.


I think you is are is am in deep danger.
Like Code Red.


deep **** son , work hard