Does anyone else find that commercial creepy?

The one where the man gives his finace's daughter the same romantic bracelet that he gave her? Maybe I just have a cynical mind, but this thing screams pedophile to me.

Cold Murder2013-05-05T10:59:21Z

Favorite Answer

I thought it was a bit odd too. Both the bracelets he gave to them had hearts on it I remember. You'd think a guy would give his soon-to-be-step daughter a less romantically suggestive gift.


yeah it did kind of set off the 'Pedo-meter'...

but they do show that the product line has multiple versions so even though the girls says "Just like mommy" it is not necessarily the exact same necklace and thus a little less creepy

although seeing monsters in all the shadows is cynical

freedom fighter2013-05-05T17:55:06Z

I think it's just you. It's a symbol of him becoming a part of both their lives. Him, loving the woman as a wife and him accepting the daughter as his child. People do this often when they are blending families to become as one.