Anonymous 2013-05-06T15:26:10Z
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It's like yeah, hanging out with my friends ' yooo dude, did ya ask that chick out yet! ' 'Nah brooo, her knees are black' The hell kinda excuse is that!...Show more
If the chick is white, then yea, that might be a little weird. Edit: Nah, those knees look fine....Show more
Iluvmylifetoomuch 2013-05-06T15:29:20Z
that's like rude.. and wrong? never really known of a guy paying attention to a girls knees? because no body caress! because no one is prefect! i don't know if you're being racist or not but.. dude just stop....Show more
Grassy 2013-05-08T11:15:43Z
Listen Beans (are you without your sidekick pork today) she is the bees knees. Ask Pork next time or is he smoking in the boys room?...Show more
Roger 2013-05-06T15:44:14Z
I dont think so but isnt that a little girl think? cause they play in the floor I dont think i´ve ever seen a grown woman like that...Show more
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