Christians: How do you interpret the importance of this quote relating to the Son?

"A man cannot serve two masters. For he will either love one, and hate the other, or hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon."

The Son of God has manifested all of the qualities of God into us as the Holy Spirit of God. We would not have life without the Son, and God Christ himself can live without flesh, and so is everybody who is resurrected and returns to his glorious kingdom. We do evil from the choices we make with flesh, and as Jesus Christ states, "My ways are higher than your ways."God does not need a heart to even try to resist evil, thus the Son of God himself is merely a one good and holy spirit but flesh for how we perceive it, affecting every aspect of our lives.



This scripture means you cannot be one of God's people and have a "love" of money. Jesus did give Holy Spirit to God's people starting at Pentecost 33 C.E. when God's people were gathered foe the festival of Weeks. After his death and ascension. Jesus's human life was a ransom sacrifice for many Matthew 20:28. Read Rev. 20:4-6 these are the ones going to rule in heaven. Also read Revelation 20:7&8, did you ever wonder who these ones in heaven are going to rule over? God does have a heart Gen.6:6, Jeremiah 7:31. Pr.27:11 his heart also rejoices.


Indeed! There are some very violent charges to be determined, actually, one could cherry select the NT in the equal manner Xtians do when painting a photograph of a faith of love and forgiveness, and in finding greater than ample to exhibit a religion of hate and violence. Xtians for example point to Jesus telling Peter to place his sword away on the night of his arrest, and cure the solider Peter had injured. They pass over the apparent implication of this targeted delusion - that Jesus's apostles have been armed to the tooth and ready to make use of force!


Matthew 6:24 is often interpreted (in later versions of the Bible) " ... You cannot serve both God and money."

If money is more important to a person than God is, then how can that person be saved?


It can mean anything, not just money. People can serve a political agenda, an ideology, another person in their life, etc., and end up putting God second.

God wants us to make Him our master, because He is just, fair, compassionate and His burden is light. But when we make other things our priority, they become our master and we inevitably end up serving something that realy doesn't profit us.

Very important.

NEVER SUBMIT... to evil2013-05-07T13:01:36Z

as for the quote... those of The True Church(all those of The True Christian Faith) understand that..... as for your statement.... you seem to be in some error in your understanding of the instructions... I am not even sure of what you are saying

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