This will sound dumb to you horse experts, I suppose, but I wonder...?
...why do some white horses have pink noses while others have gray noses? Really, I think white horses are among the most beautiful creatures on the earth. I know some are albinos -- pink eyes, etc. -- but some non-albino white horses have pink noses, and others, gray. Why? Thanks in advance for any info.
Anna :)2013-05-07T23:38:52Z
Favorite Answer
Not a silly question. Genetics and skin colour denotes hair colour.
Pale/white horses with PINK skin are called Cremello, not albino (Perlino are also similar). Cremellos and Perlinos have blue eyes, not pink. These horses are born like that - and stay the same throughout their lifetime.
If a horse appears white, but has BLACK skin - it is called grey/gray. Greys can be born a variety of colours including quite dark steel grey, dappled or even a very light grey. In some cases they can even be born brown/bay in appearance initially (common in Andalusians). But all greys fade over time. So they all end up light grey or "white grey" if they live long enough.
Cremello, perlino and white greys are all different colours even though they may look similar. It just depends on the colour genetics of the individual.
Here is a photo of my first pony with her young foal. (we bred with her, after I out grew her).
She was born a light grey with steely grey legs (we got her as a weanling). Her foal was born even paler than her (obvious from the photo in the link), a true creamy white, with DARK eyes and DARK skin. He had no dark hairs at all from the day he was born, proving dark skinned horses can still be born pale in colour. Both had black skin all over - absolutely no white markings, on either of them.
However, most greys are born with at least some dark hairs, that fade and turn white with age. Even once this happens they are not called "white", they are still always called "grey" or possibly "white grey".
If the horse has dark skin the hair will likely be dark, if the skin is pink the hair will be white! Pink skinned horses can get horrible sunburn especially on the muzzle, because it is so hard to shade that area.