what do you think of the Jodi Arias trial?

I'm glad she was found guilty.
but what do y'all think about the death penalty? yes or no?


I am so glad they found her guilty. She deserves to suffer in a nice hot prison for a long long time.
I think that is worse than the death penalty.


Yes, guilty she is. The evidence was staggeringly overwhelming and she changed her story about three times. The guy was a piece of s h i t but she should've just moved on and found someone else. What a waste. Such a beautiful and intelligent woman, but she killed and she deserves to be in jail for the rest of her life, or when they ramp up colonization in Mars, send her there.


NO. she doesnt need the death penalty! she has had a very hard life!
she was abused, by Travis and his friends!
she was gonna snap anytime soon!
She loved him, but he didnt feel the same way about her! she wanted him so bad!
but he only wanted her for sex
i dont think she was planning to kill him though!
so no.

Weasel McWeasel2013-05-08T14:47:54Z

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

A rough life and a crappy childhood, is still no excuse to MURDER someone.

Flip the switch.


She lied like 5000000 times thru the whole thing!


Would you let some screwball like this go after they lied their dumbass off?