Lindsay Lohan wants out of rehab. Can I get your opinions please?

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2013-05-12T16:12:48Z

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Lindsay is a tabloid media Wh**e and even bad press still keeps her in the news. Heck if Casey Anthony could get off, I'm sure some may look the other way as once again Lindsay gets her way. What trash.


It would be better if she did stay. In the long run it would help her get her life and career back on track.

I'm just tired of it all. A lot of people are trying to help her and she keeps throwing it back in their face.


She's a grown woman. If she's going to not smoke and be a responsible person who shows respect for the person God made her as then I think that's a good idea.if not, and she's going to continue to act like an ***, then I can't feel sorry for her


She wants to move in with Charlie Sheen


She should either stay in rehab or be put in jail.

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