What is one materalistic thing that if got thrown out or lost that you'd be very emotional about?

Note- it can be more than one.
For myself one would be a very special stuffed dog i got when i was a child. it goes everywhere with me. even just for a weekend getaway the dog comes with. i don't know what i'd do of i ever lost it. How about you?
also please be appropriate, don't spam or correct spelling or grammar. thank you

Anonymous None2013-05-12T22:10:20Z

Favorite Answer

-My stuffed Kangaroo.
-Sentimental items that were given to me by mom, grandma etc.


I can't think of anything, actually. I'd be pretty upset if I lost my laptop since I have everything school and work-related stored on it, along with a handful of sentimental photos and videos, but I can't say it's something I'd be emotionally crushed over.


My phone, the necklace my dad gave me, and the stuffed dog my mom gave me.


my external HD

Albus Dumbledore2013-05-13T04:55:14Z

my pacman coffee mug, i would lose my **** if something happened to my pacman coffee mug.

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