Since when did asking what your favorite thing is starts with a letter of the alphabet a violation?


Savvy Sue- I appeal them all. Won several but they said this one stands.


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Sadly what else is new? they go after harmless questions but yet do nothing when some of the most disgusting nastiest questions are posted. :/

No More2013-05-13T10:23:03Z

It's always been a violation, just that (hopefully) many don't find them worthy of reporting compared to really offensive things.
According to Yahoo, questions have to be knowledge seeking and benefit the community.
Many things posted.. yahoo considers them violations. What makes the real difference on any is whether someone chooses to report or pass it by.

Sharon S2013-05-13T11:26:47Z

just asking about food seems to be a violation now. I had many over the weekend all about food yet risque questions stayed go figure.


When nasty trolls like to spoil peoples fun on Yahoo! They spend too much time doing nothing but spoiling peoples fun instead of doing something useful! Sad really isn't it!


They want clicks. Hate, curiosity and strong emotions get clicks. We're just fish in their pond and those are the hooks.

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