What 4 things will you be sure to take with you for a trip to the grocery store?


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Shopping list
A full stomach (never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach)


I am one of the vital unusual ones - i do know that, however i do not fear about what i buy at the grocery retailer. We now have a significant garden, and lots of the veggies we eat via out the year come from the garden (i will or freeze about ninety% of the garden). We don't devour a number of red meat, might be 2 or 3 instances a month, and after we do i buy the satisfactory they've. We best eat steak 3 or 4 times a year, so i do not feel unhealthy about spending $30 for two steaks - if you do not need it most likely, why no longer splurge? The one thing we do go by means of a number of is shrimp. I buy about four lbs a week. We don't devour out lots either. Final night we had Buffalo bird salads for dinner. All I had to do is get the lettuce. I purchased the biggest p.C. Of bird poppers I could to find final time, and used them final night time. When you've obtained a chest freezer, use it! Purchase the biggest packs of meat, veggies, and so forth you will see that. Component them up, and use them as needed. I understand it hurts when the grocery bill is $500, but if you happen to believe about it, that is sufficient meals for weeks - simply buy the fresh stuff. You'd be amazed how much you save whilst you spend $20 for a enormous bag of frozen bird breast, instead than $3.00 a pound whilst you purchase on an 'as needed' groundwork.

5 ft 7 Texas Heaven2013-05-14T05:15:14Z

Good mornin, I actually like goin to the grocery store.

Um 4 things.

A list, no K will take it I too often forget it and just toss stuff in the cart she has to put back. LOL

A teeny purse full of change to dump out at the checkout line. I'm so budget conscious, Ha!

I have to save a quarter for the mechanical horse outside though and a coin for the gumball machine, I can never get a Pink one???

Oh yeah, I have to include undergarments to go in public.


Credit card
Bus pass
Grocery bags


Wife and Grandkids
Shopping List
Truck Keys
Phone (actually, the shopping list is ON the phone).

We don't take money because we have an account with the grocery... they almost always OWE us money - we sell them eggs, milk, butter and veggies regularly. They also buy out our nut, fruit, and grape surplus each year.

Was SO cool the first year we had our wine in the store... seeing the "Whipple Ranch" label was amazing... now we're in 40 stores in California.

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