wheres my yahoo mail and other stuff?

first exployer disappeared,i was only aable to find and put the icon at the bottom of the screen,my weather gadget wont show on the page, when I try to load it ,it only comesup an x,,also on my yahoo home page ,the advertisement don't show, and my mail doesn't go through, the yahoo page shows it is loaded, when I click mail , it takes me there, but nothing is in it, to read my replys ,ill have to go on someone else es computer, please help have window7 never had this problem b4


Favorite Answer

I think, you are using IE 10 on your machine.
New Yahoo Mail is not supporting IE 10, so use another browser for Yahoo Mail.


choose Mail techniques from the Yahoo! Mail classic navigation bar. persist with the Signature link. make sure upload signature to all outgoing messages (under the text cloth of your signature) is chosen. click keep.