Interactive game ideas for presentation?

I am doing a presentation for 8 people (small group), and I want to have them interact with me as well as the other group members with some sort of game or something like that. Does anyone have any ideas for games or the like? My topic is how music effects the brain.


Favorite Answer

Yes! You should definitely have some hands-on activities to prove what you're presenting. I don't know how that would work but I'm sure it'd get the viewers much more interested :)


ok. you're able to do a grouping of four and do it like a scrabble puzzle the place the questions will midsection completely on Madagascar difficulty...yet another is Anagram.... From the be conscious Madagascar..extract words which they may well be used to from new words..for example...that's a form of motor vehicle...the team will rearrange themselves and those conserving the letters c a and r desire rush in front and type that be conscious vehicle..and it gos on...ok? advantageous now? sturdy success!