How to not be lethargic/apathetic?

Lately I've been feeling exceptionally crappy both emotionally and mentally (mostly the latter) and it's making me incredibly lethargic, but I have a lot of work to do.

How do I solve this?


@Morgan: Thanks, but I know already what's getting me down. It's an incredibly complex web of factors, but sometimes it gets to me harder than usual.


First try to rule out what's causing it. It may seem out of reach, but there's always a way to fix it. If you seem to feel that way for absolutely no reason you may want to consult a doctor and ask about anti depressants. If you want a more natural approach try getting out into the world. If it makes you nervous, grab some good friends and do it anyways. It usually turns out fun. Go the park. Go on the city bus for absolutely no reason. Don't keep yourself shut away. If you need inspiration just to get out of the house build a playlist consisting of songs that lift your mood. Read encouraging positive quotes. Look at beautiful picture. Out with the bad in with the good.