Do you think think he likes me?

Im in 8th grade, and there's this guy i really like. We have 4 classes together. At the beginning of the year he sat behind me in English, and he always poked me, teased me, kicked my chair and talked to me. Him and his friend even gave me a cute nickname. These days, he grabs my pen or steals my paper to get my attention. Once he put a crayon down the back of my shirt. HE even commented on a few of my Facebook statuses. But then he deleted all the comments on one of them so it looked like I was talking to myself. He stares at me during English too. He's giving me mixed signals. I like him a lot but I can't tell, does he like me?

♥ I LIKE TYPING IN CAPS ♥2013-05-19T11:31:39Z

Favorite Answer

sounds like it. you should ask him out.


I think he likes you. In a way, that's like I act like I don't lik you but I do.
? Weird but yes. And I think he's also a bit shy.
Hmmm..just keep doing what you are Doing and keep an eye out on his reactions and stuff and start flirting/ doing what he does to you back.
Good luck!


Sounds like young love to me.


Sounds like he might be into you.