Does this sound like an infection to you?

So, a couple months ago a piece of my tooth came off. I was worried about infection but after two weeks and a ER trip they assured me it wasn't an infection and gave me signs to watch for. Went to a dr(unrelated) had her give my tooth a look while I was there. Despite having two lumps under my jaw that weren't there before she said no infection. Fast forward to a week ago. I've been in pretty much constant pain on one side of my face. Theres no redness to the gum at all but every so often I get a weird taste in my mouth. I haven't got a fever but my face is very slightly swollen(over where the tooth is that's missing a piece.) Unless I take advil or something before bed I can't sleep because of the pain I'm feeling. I can't chew on that side of my mouth because it hurts and I have this weird tight feeling in my chest.

I guess what I'm asking is if you can have a tooth infection with no sympthoms other then a lot of pain? It hurts so bad.


ETA: I'm going to the dental college tomorrow. But I ask here in hopes someone can give me insight. And FYI if i have an infection ignoring it is the worst thing I can do. I was just curious as to what to expect when I go. Its a wisdom tooth.


ETA 2 I forgot to mention the small welt like thing that popped up behind my ear last week.


Favorite Answer

Don't ask the internet all there gonna say is '' You have heart disease'', look im sure it's nothing but if you want more reasurance go to the doctors even though you don't really need to.


My mom had that you might need a root cannal .