How can I prepare for AP Biology?

I took honors biology at my highschool freshman year and did quite well, and now I'm planning on taking AP Bio senior year. But since they are so far apart, I am very sure that I have forgotten most everything!

How should I review / what topics should I review in order to prepare for taking AP Bio this summer?
I'm planning on making several trips to the library. :) Thanks!


I took AP Biology my sophomore year. It is a hard class. The AP test is close to impossible. It's NOTHING like the regular bio class whatsoever. It's a lot of memorization and small details. If you want to study buy the campbell-reece (sp?) textbook and read it thoroughly. i didn't use it myself but i know it's a very good book


Buy an AP Prep Book and look over it during the summer.

I've heard CliffsAP is good for Biology. Princeton Review is pretty solid in all subjects so it's a safe bet as well.


I took AP Biology my sophomore year. It is a hard class. The AP test is close to impossible. It's NOTHING like the regular bio class whatsoever. It's a lot of memorization and small details. If you want to study buy the campbell-reece (sp?) textbook and read it thoroughly. i didn't use it myself but i know it's a very good book


Start by dissecting frogs


if you did well before you must've taken good notes. go over them, and don't worry about it, you'll do great!!