True or False - Hugs have healing powers ?

BQ : when was the last time you danced like there was nobody watching ?



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true. they are the bandages of the heart. thats why your wrap your arms around someone to give them a hug. it's like how you wrap a bandage around a cut to stop the bleeding.

a few minutes ago with my dog. listening to some techno on blast


Hugs from the right people can have healing powers for some ailments.

BA- It has been awhile since I danced like nobody was watching.

Lucious Dinsmore2013-05-20T13:30:05Z

False. I really don't like being hugged. Probably explains why I'm still single.

BQ: Never. I may have danced at a wedding reception, but then everybody else there looked like a Canoe, it wasn't just me.

Bob Bob2013-05-20T14:27:03Z

True, you will be surprised. I feel that if we all got more hugs then we wouldn't feel as lonely and some wouldn't do as bad things. Hugs are a good thing to get.

Bq: A long time.


its 100% true about healing by huges. Ans Bq. I am bathroom dancer like others are barthroom singer. Thank you.

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