GOP = Smaller Government? Who will take take of States devasted by Floods and Tornadoes?

By the way since the Republicans in Washington have done no work for over 4 years, let us send them to help with the clean- up in Oklahoma and elsewhere. So far they have received pay for no work for all too long.


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wow- you have said something. this has nothing to do with government---

dusty d2013-05-21T00:29:50Z

Where do the funds come from that pay for natural disasters? Tax payers. Where do tax payers live?
In one of the fifty states. It's a states responsibility to take care of its self. Look at what happened with the Hurricane Sandy relief, it was around 50 billion but almost half of that went to states that were not even affected by the storm in the form of earmarks. Big Government = Big Waste & Corruption.


The States can take care of themselves. No one needs a nanny Federal Government to "take care" of them.