ALL information should be given to the Jodi Arias Jury to make an informed decision, right?


I really mean ALL information and not restricted one. Incomplete information is distortion of facts. Why keep some things in hiding?


Favorite Answer

The defendant has more rights than the victim.
...and justice for all.That no longer is true.
That has just been proven.

The jury foreman"William Zervakos"said he thought she was abused.Quote(how could a pretty young woman do that,it just didn't add up).

I believe that every shred of evidence should be allowed in.
But in this case,a biased jury foreman,it wouldn't have mattered.
HIS mind was made up from the beginning,she would never receive the death penalty.

It was proven Travis Alexander was murdered with extreme cruelty.
It warranted the death penalty.

29 stab wounds
11/2 inch deep-6 inch long slash to the throat(almost beheaded)
gun shot to the head
He suffered

And she is smiling and giving interviews.
If she was to get life,she would adjust to prison life in no time.
She would make many friends through her art skills.

...and justice for all. Not this time.

Wounded Duck2013-05-23T14:09:34Z

All Allowable information.