Why are atheists on Yahoo Answers so immoral and ignorant?

Most atheists I know are kind, loving, and happy people, and I am in no way referring to the entire atheist population. But almost all atheists I've seen on this section are just full of arrogant, hateful, and ignorant comments. Just look at the last question I asked on my profile, in which one non-believer called Christianity a made-up piece of nonsense, and the question had nothing to do with atheism.


Christians on this section have become such victims of ignorance, that we often choose not to reason with the atheists on this section because it is simply not possible for the atheists on Yahoo Answers to use reason in response. It is just simple making fun of and calling religious people stupid. I am we'll aware that I am going to get hateful comments calling me stupid, ignorant, and maybe even hateful myself for saying this, but I am just pointing out the flaws that you guys are using, and you still wonder why we don't respect you guys.

The Lightning Strikes2013-05-27T08:52:15Z

Favorite Answer

Because they are full of hatred

@ Canadian Duck, Militant Atheist Destroy Millions, research history concerning Stalin , Mao Tse, Pol Pot


"we often choose not to reason with the atheists on this section because it is simply not possible for the atheists on Yahoo Answers to use reason in response."

Sorry but I've not known this to be the case. There are some rude atheists here, but many of them respond with detailed answers in response to theists, and I think I am one of those people. I also think that I haven't seen a good argument for Christianity since I started on this site several months ago, so I don't think theists have much of reason on their side.

Beyond that, calling Christianity a made-up piece of nonsense isn't immoral or ignorant. It's an expression of a fairly reasonable idea if you're an atheist. That's what atheism is. We think Christianity is a bunch of made-up stories.


That answer was the genuine atheist perspective. I think it was right. You will find that if you come here, you will get atheist responses and the responses of people of other religions which may well be very similar to the atheist ones. To us the difference between those two denominations are negligible. You might find yourself having a similar opinion if you were asked which was the better way to God - Sunni or Shia Islam. You may feel it important to express your view that both of those were the wrong way and that Christianity is the right way. Perhaps you would not - you might feel it better not to answer that question but many Christians would want to answer that question with what they may feel is important advice. I would respect the Christian's right to give their perspective on a forum for people of all faiths and none. They frequently do when I ask a question about atheist parenting or good atheist books. Christians have an opinion on both. Perhaps if you don't want atheist responses, you might be better off asking questions on a Christian forum? We are going to have views you do not agree with and we are going to express them.

@NCWS OK, well I admit to being a little disingenuous there. Of course there are ways to express yourself and I generally try to remain polite and courteous, mostly because it gives me the moral highground when theists get angry. However, at times when feeling frustrated I have been known to resort to sarcasm and mockery. I certainly do not call people stupid or inbred but I cannot deny I can be a little patronising at times.
I suppose my point mostly with the question the asker linked is that yes, the answer provided was not one he found useful and which he felt was uneccessary but it was the answerer's genuine opinion. It often seems that if a Christian answers a question by an atheist to atheists and says that God exists and loves them, this is not regarded as a gratuitous swipe at an opposing viewpoint but a genuine and valid response. If an atheist answers a question to say that gods do not appear to exist, this is much more likely to be regarded as an attack motivated by hostility than as an expression of a strongly held viewpoint on the question. Its as though we must respect different viewpoints if they are theistic but not if they are atheistic. I feel that needs to change.
Thanks for BA. :)


First off,

Stop playing the victim card. There are just as many rude and ignorant Christians here on Y/A. Christians still do comment on things with 'Nothing to do with Christianity' telling people their different beliefs are false, they're going to burn in hell, etc. Isn't that as equally offensive as some random Atheist saying that your religion is made up? Moral of the story: Don't throw stones from glass houses.

Next, from what I've seen, the Atheist population on here do use reason. Scientific reasoning of course, and if you can't accept that as reasoning, then the problem does not lie with them.

I constantly see Christians attacking Atheist's. This isn't a one way street, so you people really aren't the "victims" you claim to be.


Yahoo Answers isn't set up for rational debate, its a social popularity contest which invites trolling.
Also you can not reason with someone who's faith is emotionally based so why not deal with them on their own irrational terms. Atheism is winning because they are confronting religion on all fronts and levels where religious only has logical fallacies, deception, misdirection and making wild claims and unfounded accusations or promoting hate and bigotry. Atheist are smart enough the see the big picture. The goal it to make them think and it would be nice if religious people could be creative enough to come up with more challenging arguments cause atheist love a good challenge.

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