So I'm always thinking about how to persuade supposed atheists to become Christians. Then I just thought, "Imagine how they feel about their beliefs." Well, that got me to thinking, what DO supposed atheists believe? What is it like to be in the head of a supposed atheist? Is there any logical thought at all or is it pure animal instinct? Does one consider things like pleasure and pain or is an atheist simply driven to eat, sleep, and have sex with anything they want? I'm sincerely curious and wonder how can I help them overcome these base animal instincts to be saved from an eternity of torment that is due simply for the crime of having been born human and therefor depraved.
Saving implies they are in danger. What are they in danger from? They do not need to be saved. They are perfectly safe.
I am Hellenic so i am ignorant of your beliefs. What exactly are Non-Christians in danger from? Hell? I don't understand that. In my religion the underworld is called Hades and you go there for being a bad person not simply for not believing in the Gods. If God will send innocent people to the underworld simply for not worshiping him how is he good? That sounds more like Loki or Set. Not exactly a Deity I would define as Love.
I didn't read all that but you can't change a state of mind. You should no that. I want people to make there own choice with religion not to be taught it In school coz that's not fair on children. Religion is a lifestyle not fact. Im an open minded atheist and love what you got. But leave our kids out of it. It's brain wash at that age. Please leave our kids alone.