My toddler grandson got into my old Dell laptop and somehow managed to change the password.?
I used to work in IT (back in the Dark Ages-1997), and I know there used to be a way for an Admin to log on to a computer when they didn't know the password, but them days are gone and nothing works. Does anyone have any ideas? It's a Dell Latitude D410 with Windows XP OS. Thanks!
Thanks for your suggestions so far. I was able to get into the F2 menu and set an admin password, but it didn't work. I also tried booting up in safe mode and that didn't work, either. As for asking him the password, he's only 2 - I don't know how he was able to change the pw - he just managed to hit the right combination of keys somehow (he has watched me work on it, probably just mimicking me). Yeah, I know it should have been out of his reach but it was an unexpected visit and I was working on it when they came over. My bad! My worse if I can't get into the laptop anymore. Thanks again for your help!