With the current spookypac laws how can we know the gop is not receiving most of its finding from the Taliban?


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Anything is possible as it appears that way. They are receiving most of their money from lobbyists who are paying them to vote against Obama's laws that would help America prosper. Some, like Issa voted against ending the war--could be because he or his state is prospering because of it. Why do you think the members of the House recently voted to stop low-interest fixed rates for all students when they desperately need them and falsified email documents and released to press? Stupid moves. They don't care; some like McConnell vowed not to assist the President and are filibustering against (some to the tune of over 13 stupid hours of nothingness) his laws without reading them. They have filibustered against this President more than any in our history because they are angry that Obama won and they are trying to discredit Hillary. Doesn't matter, they are pushing us further away and with their stupid antics, will be voted out of office next election and term limits on House members is becoming more appealing everyday!!!!!!


Isn't Barry the one making nice and Arming , Financing and Hiring the MUSLIM BrotherHood and the Palestinians???? Your a Special kind of stupid aren't you?


Obama is funding terrorists. He more than likely paid for the Benghazi attacks. Obama is scum