Writers, who do you ask feedback from?

I ask my friends and English teacher, but I mostly take the reviews my teacher give more seriously because I am sure he has read much more and better literature than most of my friends, so I can be more sure of his opinions on how good it is. But I still take the negative reviews my friends give seriously, because if they do give me negative feedback that means they have noticed something wrong with my writing, and other readers will too, so I will fix it. If I'm just bored, I'll ask in Y!A for feedback, but that's just if I have nothing better to do.

BQ: Whose feedback do you take more seriously?


Sorry, grammar isn't my forte, and I'm not a native speaker either. Hardly ever got good scores in grammar.

Steven J Pemberton2013-06-02T06:01:48Z

Favorite Answer

My critique group, my partner, and sometimes friends and colleagues who read the same genres that I write. Whose feedback do I take more seriously? It's all good. They don't often disagree. When they do, I consider that my critique group aren't keen on fantasy and science fiction, and my partner, friends and colleagues aren't writers.

EDIT: When I say they don't often disagree, I mean they comment about different aspects of the story.


Well, I ask feedback from my friends. They really know what to say and I trust them because they know that I wouldn't be hurt by whatever bad thing they have to say about my story. I actually want them to state all the wrong things about what I wrote so I could improve it. I also ask feedback from my dad who's a journalist. He's had a lot of experience in the writing field and truthfully, he's my inspiration.

I take my dad's feedback more seriously because he knows about writing more than anyone I know. He's a really great critique and he's taught me a lot of things. I mean, he's my dad. I would trust him with my life.

Hope I helped. :D


for many of of them, it is how the approach starts off. terrific suited me if i'm incorrect, yet isn't that what this communicate board is all approximately? I even have study and tried to somewhat critique many such postings. point of expertise or loss of would not issue me plenty as people who insist on writing in what I call "textual content textile-talk", with the OMG's and the lol's and all that different inexcusable laziness. yet another element that aggravates me is whilst they excuse their undesirable spelling and grammar via saying that they have got been "typing speedy and did no longer have time to envision for blunders, and who cares approximately that besides?" That, back, is yet another sign of laziness, which makes the artwork unworthy of extreme attention via each and each man or woman. in spite of this, there are extremely some little ones obtainable who're earnest approximately their writing and are searching for for some comments, any comments, to greater effective themselves. And for them, i will continuously make the time to furnish them what they deserve: an undemanding critique.

Vince M2013-06-02T05:51:03Z

From WHOM do you ask feedback.

The examples of run-on sentences in your post are prime examples of why feedback from ANYONE might be helpful. At this point, you shouldn't be concerned about rating or comparing who's advice is "better." You need all the help you can get.


I try to get feedback from anyone I can, and I take feedback from people who don't know me more seriously because I know they aren't biased.

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