Problem saving gif files in Photoshop CS6?

I've recently started to make my own gif files and have run into a problem on one of my two computers. After creating the gif I go to save for web and save to the desired folder without an issue. Everywhere I've looked I've found that to be the problem for most people. My issue is that when I go to view the gif file it only shows up as a still image instead of an animation. Whenever I use the multiple options to preview my gif it works without a problem and I'm not sure what's causing this issue. I know it's not anything I'm doing specifically because I'm following the same steps on my computer and haven't had any trouble.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong??? This is driving me crazy because all of my video files are saved to my faster desktop computer :(


Favorite Answer

The simple answer is stop using windows, Learn that windows and Mac are not the only computer operating systems in the world. to prove my point check out these these Free media systems, that give you everything that you will ever need from Video, Audio, 3D Animated and photo editing just to name a few things, There are over 42.600 free professional application software packages available for these free operating systems, Need I have to tell you that this is the operating system that Disney Hollywood and Sony movie studios use for their movie production Every block buster movie you have ever seen was developed and produced using this operating system.

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In CS6, "Save for Web" has replaced "Save for Web and Devices" in earlier versions. In addition, saving for web initiates a browser window for immediate preview of your gif in action by clicking the Save For Web' button located in the timeline window. This eliminates the extra step in 5.0 or lower of having to save the file then find it in the saved location on your hard drive and manually drag it to an open browser window.

Adobe products usually pretty good at detecting which browser is your default, even if it's not IE on PC or Safari on Mac. Keywords: PRETTY GOOD, but not perfect. If you use Firefox, Opera or Chrome, you may have to manually add it to a list of browsers you want to view it in, then disable the browsers you don't care about.

As mentioned, I'm still using 5.5 so my information comes directly from an Adobe Help File. For an explanation about how to add or change your choice of browsers in 6.0, which can be done directly in the timeline window in PShop, here's a link:

Appears to be a nice feature...almost nice enough to consider an upgrade. But since I now build all my animation using html5/css3 with a little help from jquery, I don't hardly ever use gifs anymore, especially since Microsoft fully supports the png format in IE and throughout Office Pro.

As for viewing in Quicktime as you do for videos, further down the page of this help file is an explanation on how to set it up for gif animation.

Hope this helps.