wHaT eVeR
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Yes I do and have a bunch of them fluttering around. I love watching them.
I do :) I have a really tiny baby hummingbird that comes to the feeder every day!
We don't have humming birds where I live, but love the dear little things and would be having a feeder if in the right area .
I had one once but come to find out that ants loved it so much they took it over and made it theirs.
tossed it out. :(
it is like nature has gone wild :(
Pretty soon the Lions will be drinking milk from a cow and fish will come out of the sea to fly in a plane. I feel like I am in a Looney Tunes Bugs Bunny Cartoon!!
Can't even feed the birds any bird seed because the rats love it too. How come this is going on?
Sharon S
yes I do. I love seeing the hummingbirds come to eat.