Since one of the requirements of satanic priests is to also be a Catholic priest...? it not logical to assume that most of the priests who molest children are actually satanic priests who lead double lives?


you are of course being presumptions and clearly exhibit your inner feelings.
However, please do remember that molestation of children is done by fathers, brothers, coaches, boy scouts, teachers, uncles, and so on. All these people (not just priests ) bring great shame on our society.
Less than 2% of priests committed these terrible crimes - less than the overall population. That however is not the point for as a devout Catholic one single molestation is too much.


I didn't know that fact... And don't know if I believe it.
However, I'm not trying to put down the Catholic church, I am Catholic. There could be sick peple anywhere, no matter their occupation.

Wage Slave2013-06-05T09:18:06Z

No, that is not a logical assumption.

All x's are y's.
Some y's are z's
Most z's are x's

It's a non-sequitur.

Gaia’s Garden2013-06-05T10:35:05Z

Your assertion is mistaken.