1. Why did you become atheist? Was it because something tragic in your life or advancing science, etc.
2. When someone dies, you believe that their soul is just gone forever!? :(
3. Do you find religion ignorant?
4. Why do you feel that religion waste time?
5. Why do some of you take the stories of the bible so seriously? Ex. Everyone knows that all those animals couldn't fit on the arc!
6. Why do some of you blame everything on God! There is the devil which no one seems to mention!
7. Explain to me your thoughts on ghosts. I think that there is plenty of proof of the existence of ghost but many seem to ignore it.
8. What if God is real?
Please answer the questions before reading further :)
These are many of the things that I've heard atheist say so here is my take...
I don't really see how someone could be an atheist. We as humans need a source of purpose in life and guidance. That is why we follow God, to give are pathetic lives meanings. Without some sort of guidance, we'll go crazy! If you convert to atheism because of a tragic event in your life, it is not always God's fault! To many are quick to blame God. There is also the devil. We should keep faith for we do not always know which caused what to happen. God can cause good and bad and so can the devil. If you converted because of science, maybe God created all of the science for us to discover and explore so we can make the world a better place for all of God's creatures. With question 2, I find that believing that after someone dies that they're soul will be somewhere where they could be happy like heaven instead of disappear forever. Who wants to believe that, it's just plain awful! Even if it was ever proved that that is what happens, I still wouldn't believe it. Imagine being a parent who lost their child. Which would they rather believe, that their child is dancing among the stars with a smile or that their baby's body is rotting in the ground and their happy soul is nonexistent. Why do you find religion ignorant? We do have some religious fanatics that shove their opinion down your throat but THEY are the ones who are ignorant not religion in general. I've also heard that some atheist think that practicing religion is a waste of time. Giving up an hour a week to go to church and five minutes every night to pray is wasting time?! What do you have to do that is so important that you can't do that! Why do some of you take the STORIES of the bible so seriously. They were meant to teach us how to live and deal with problems in our lives, not to be taken so literally. Also, what if, in the end, when you died you stared God directly in his face. What would you say to him? I don't what I would say. I am afraid. I think I would burst into tears.
I just don't understand atheist. I do respect your opinions because a good Christian is supposed to :) but I just want to know. I don't mean to offend anyone also.
Guys, I'm serious and if you don't have a serious answer don't answer. I don't want to offend anyone. I'm just curious. I put my take because there are two sides to every argument. Sorry if it is to long for you to read.
@Everyone Because of all the evil people in the world, the devil has grew just as strong as God
Questions I forgot to give my opinion on: 5 and 7 I'm sorry but I just realized it and the paragraph got a bit to long...
@Everyone Because of all the evil people in the world, the devil has grew just as strong as God
Questions I forgot to give my opinion on: 5 and 7 I'm sorry but I just realized it and the paragraph got a bit to long...
So many additional details, this question is becoming so long.... Guys I respect your opinion so you should respect mine. Some of you are just living up to the atheist "everybody who believes in God is ignorant" stereotype. I want some serious and respectful answers. Also I love science! It is my favorite and strongest subject. You can still be a scientist and a Christian :)
Favorite Answer
1. I became an atheist because I realized prayer doesn't work. After that, I started doing research and found out the Bible isn't really reliable at all. Then I did more research, and I thought about God more and more. Eventually, I decided that God either doesn't exist or doesn't care. I went with the former. That is the long story short.
2. No. I don't believe anybody has a soul, so it isn't just "gone." It never existed in the first place. Our thoughts and personalities are dictated by our brains, not some supernatural "soul."
3. I find some religious people ignorant, yes. But I also find people in general to be quite ignorant, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.
4. I think prayer wastes time. Prayer has no real result, and when people pray for the victims of disaster, I think it is a hollow gesture and a waste of time. If they really wanted to help, they would donate or go help the people themselves. Prayer doesn't do anything.
5. "Everyone knows that all of those animals couldn't fit on the arc." Some people actually *do* believe that every single animal fit on the arc. I do not take the stories of the Bible seriously at all, but other people do, so I know the stories because that allows me to be able to address those people who actually believe the Bible is 100% literally true.
6. Ah yes, you blame the devil for everything bad. Well, God is omnipotent, no? So he could stop the devil, no? If God is omnipotent, then it logically follows that he must be held accountable for everything that happens. Besides, in the Bible, God killed far more people than Satan (look it up if you don't believe me).
7. There is no proof for ghosts. We have some fuzzy videos, some photoshopped pictures, and a lot of people's stories. People's stories, however, are nothing more than just that -- stories.
8. You are presenting Pascal's wager. If God is real, then he did a poor job of revealing himself to me and saving me. If God is omnipotent and truly does want me to go to heaven, he could very easily guide me toward him. When I was a Christian, I prayed daily for God to strengthen my faith and bring me to him. I even prayed to him to violate my free will if that was what it took. And guess what? Now I'm an atheist. God did nothing. So if the God of Christianity is real, then he must want me to be an atheist. As for you, what if you die and find out that Allah is the true God? Or Krishna? Or Zeus? Pascal's wager fails to take into account all of the thousands and thousands of gods that have been invented by man. What are the chances that your one God is right and all those other thousands and thousands are wrong?
Anyway, I took no offense from your question, and I hope you took no offense from my answer. Believe it or not, I actually enjoy talking to Christians about God when it is a mutually respectful environment. I would love to continue talking about this if you want to. You seem nice enough, and I actually had to delete a good chunk of my answer because I went over the character limit.
1) Always had doubt, but mainly just ignored it, until I couldn't ignore it anymore. I cannot say that it wasn't because of tragedy because there were several deaths that occurred while I was in high school (although none of any direct family members or friends--just people that I knew at school). However, considering I didn't accept my atheism until much later (in my early 20s), I don't know that this had an effect. I will say that death as a Christian was far scarier than death as an atheist.
2) yes, their dead, they suffer no longer (also they never experience joy).
3) I don't think religion is "ignorant" per se. Mainly I find religion to be intellectually dishonest. Basically, most religious people are just as normal as every other atheist, except when you mention God they throw up a brick wall where all of a sudden all logic and reasoning goes out the window.
4) Yes and no. Yes it's a waste because it's fake, but if believing in Santa Claus makes your Christmas better, then why not? Now, there are many reasons for why not, but that's not what you asked.
5) Most Christians' main defense is the Bible. Yet you here just admitted that the Bible is ridiculous--I agree, it's ridiculous so it's no proof of anything. Why is it God's word when he says, a man who denies god is a fool but it's not God's word when he says that all animals got on an ark that was smaller than the Titanic??
6) If god is all powerful, then he should be more powerful than the devil. The devil is only allowed to do what God allows, so anything the devil does is directly allowed/sanctioned by God (if he exists, which he doesn't).
7) They have TV series dedicated to ghosts and yet no one has ever produced any convincing evidence. So I don't know where you get the idea that there is a lot of evidence? There is none.
8) Then either he's a bastard and I never had any hope to begin with or he doesn't care if you believe in him or not.
1. Obviously I was born atheist, but I became Christian because of grandparents. De-converted a couple of years ago after seriously re reading through the bible and thinking things out. 2. I don't believe in the soul, so when people die, they die- become non existent. 3. Some are. It's also up to the individual. 4. Mostly because praying isn't going to do anything, I'd rather if I was dying, that I'd receive an operation than a prayer. 5. If some of them are meant to be taken as just stories, what if the actual God in the bible is also one too? Why stop at just a few of them? 6. I don't believe in a god, so I render that invalid. Or otherwise I'd make a comment and say that it isn't fair to give a god credit for good things, and blame the bad things on a devil/insert name of evil creature. The devil according to the bible doesn't actually do much compared to God too in terms of killing. 7. Some ghost stories can be scary. I don't exactly believe in ghosts per say, but they can scare me I admit. Well, I am an easily terrified person in that sense :P 8. The Christian god? Then I'd have a couple of questions for him...which I'd like to be answered. I'd also probably convert too, seeing as he'd probably stick me in hell for not worshipping him.
Also, I respectfully disagree that we need a god in our lives. I'm quite sure it's possible to find a reason for living apart from a god. I don't believe in religion, but I wouldn't describe my life as 'pathetic'.
Honest questions deserve honest answers. Here are mine:
1. I am an atheist because i haven't seen any evidence of any deity.
2. Yes, I do. We didn't exist for eons before we were born, and we cease to exist when we die.
3. No, I don't. I have several friends (believers and atheists) that are intelligent people.
4. I don't feel that it is. I just have no practical use for it.
5. I don't take any story from the bible seriously. It is all mythology.
6. I blame nothing on any deity, as I don't believe in them.
7. I have never seen any evidence of ghosts. There has never been a study that suggests they exist.
8. I hate to answer that with a question, but let's say there is. What if you believe in the wrong one?
And sorry but I did read further before answering. Our lives aren't pathetic, and we can be good without any god. I know I am and so are many, many others. And, again, true atheists don't blame something they don't believe in, and fear shouldn't be the only reason for belief. I respect your beliefs as well. It's nice to see a respectful question when so many (from both sides) can be mean-spirited.
1) I, as all humans, was born atheist. I was told to believe in god by my parents, like most, and when I was old enough to actually think about it, I became an atheist again.
2) There is no such thing as soul, only neurons telling you who you are and what you sense. You exist as much as you did before your parents were born.
3) I find it to be a psychological phenomenon. Not necessarily ignorant.
4) I do not feel it's a waste of time.
5) Because if the bible is wrong on one thing, why not another?
6) God created the devil, or he has the ability to remove him. God is responsible.
7) I don't see why ghosts couldn't exist, but I do not think that they do.
8) Then I guess I am going to hell even though I am not a bad person.
If the devil is just as strong as god, then why worship one over the other? They both can offer me the same thing.