Do Jehovah's Witnesses ever change their doctrines?

Do they change their doctrines when they discover them to be false, or is it too embarrassing for them to admit such a thing? I don't mean this to be as disrespectful as it sounds. It is a fine church, and the members are sincere. Unless one believes that God has already revealed all knowledge to mankind, then it is logical to assume that he will yet correct us and teach us more. Do they currently receive revelations from God, and have they recently changed any of their doctrines or added new ones? Certainly with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is the opportunity to correct false doctrines that have been added over the intervening centuries... or at the very least update the translation of the Bible...


Wait a minute. First of all, I'm getting conflicting answers. Secondly, I admire the ability to change. As a Mormon, I do believe in modern revelation, and also believe that God will eventually correct any mistaken notions of mine. Thirdly, I was under the impression that their leading council acted with the authority of a prophet. I can't imagine a prophet without revelation.


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1) Do they change their doctrines when they discover them to be false, or is it too embarrassing for them to admit such a thing?

We have not changed the way we worship Jehovah. Our understanding of Bible prophesy has changed and medical technology has advanced but we always have believed the same things. Jehovah is the only true God. Jesus is his son. Jesus died so that we would have the chance of everlasting life in paradise if we apply the standards and morals of the Bible to our everyday life.

2) Do they currently receive revelations from God

We have the Bible to guide our lives. The gift of prophesy ceased when the last of the 1st century Christians died.

3) and have they recently changed any of their doctrines or added new ones

Nope and nope.


If you believe in modern revelation ,then you are in good company with Jehovah's Witnesses.They believe that their leaders are 'spirit directed ' and that God uses them to reveal new truths which they call 'new light'
Jehovah's Witnesses have changed many of their teachings over the years that their founder C T Russell would hardly hardly recognize the religion he started .


Jehovah Witnesses used to believe that Jesus Christ returned invisibly in 1874. That was when they were known as the Bible Students. That date was later changed to 1914 and then changed again to Jesus only having taken up his throne on that date. Why did Jesus wait almost 2000 years to take up his throne in heaven?


do they what.!!, by changing the word of god they are showing they are not worthy to teach , all those past Jehovah witnesses that were disfellowshipped because they may have had a different slant to scripture may suddenly find their interpretation is now part of their teachings..a few years from now a different meaning will come upon them

The Not-So-Loved Apostle Paul2013-06-13T18:06:45Z

No. Jehovah's Witnesses follow the teachings of Charles Taze Russell. He had a flawed interpretation of scripture that has caused more than two or three embarrassing moments for them. Many failed "prophecies", etc. Sad..........

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