I feel like I'm having a breakdown or getting depressed?

My name is Mike and Im 17. I'm asking this question while tears are coming out of my eyes and I am unable to get to sleep because I feel like so much crap. Honestly, right now I feel like a good for nothing person who just can't seem to get anything right. All my life I have been EXTREMELY hard on myself from anything to sports, especially baseball to random things. If I feel I do something wrong I put myself down as much as possible until I feel I am unable to do anything. I can't help it though, I am just like hat. It feels like I'm having a battle with myself and my mind always wins. The past few days when I've been playing baseball for my high school team, I have not been playing well at all which is heartbreaking for me because I feel it is all I have and am so passionate about the game. If I don't get a hit in a game I have a war with myself that night because I can't shake the thoughts of me doing bad. I think about it the next day as well which leaves me with no confidence for anything. It basically sucks everything out of me. I slam my foot down in the dugout, I indirectly direct my frustration at my teammates and friends, which isn't good for anyone. And on top of that, I've been texting the girl who I feel I may be falling in love with. I've been talking to her for about 1 month now and haven't seen her since then. I go to school with her and she is always on my mind. I just get worried that she is going to slip away from me and never want to talk to me again. What it comes down to is that I don't feel good about myself at all and need something, anything to get myself to calm down and get rid of my own demons. Thanks :)


Favorite Answer

Therapy could work wonders for you. I have felt just like you my whole life and through therapy and the support of my family and faith... I'm slowly learning that it is ok to love myself and receive love. What you're doing is basing your self worth on how others feel about you and based on your performance... But you're a lovable human being regardless!! You just have to find a way to start believing that. A good place to start might be to do a youtube search of a guy named Leo Buscaglia and watch his lecture on love. I think it is about 6 parts or so. Just search Leo Buscaglia Love... Best of luck to you! +*** edit*** and slim is a douche nozzle


GROW a ******* pair. I'm depressed but pissing and moaning only hurts the situation start making fun of the things that bother you it helps


ok, mike. personally i think you're just young & reckless but that probaly isn't what you want to hear. i think you should take a break from baseball, try an artist outlet like journalism, music or art. i know it sounds cheesy but i was in your place before & doing something social, creative & fun helps. As far as the girl, i doubt she'll slip away unless you give her a reason to hide. best of luck :)