Don't you wish society turned back to God?

Look at America, we were founded on Christian principles and morals, we claimed to be a nation under God with liberty, freedom and justice for all. What happened to America? Why have we gone so far away from God?


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Yes I do! Also, in 2nd Chronicles it says, "If my people who are called by my Name would humble themselves and pray and seek my Face (The Hebrew word panim also means Presence) and turn from their wicked ways I will hear from Heaven and would forgive their sins, and heal (restore) their land". All of us, especially myself, need to take this personally. If all of us personally did this the entire country would do this.

To answer your question, powerful groups of Atheists and similar people, (Liberals), have gained control of the media and the Public School system and teach that evil is good and that good is evil. The Bible says that near the time when Jesus returns that people will call evil good and good evil. They will be lovers of themselves. God is in Charge and His prophesies are being fulfilled as we speak. Jesus said in Mathew Chapter 24 that the troubles near the end times would be so bad that if the times were not shortened, "everyone on Earth would die." Thank God the Tribulation times will be shortened and that Jesus is returning soon.

Ps to the person who said something about God not being put on coins until 1959, how is it then that I have a US silver dollar from 1853 that says clearly on it, "In God we trust" This country was founded on Judeo/Christian principles. All you have to do to know this is to read the actual letter and writings of the men who started our country and stop listening to Liber/Atheist lies.


"liberty, freedom and justice for all."

The exact opposite will happen if America turns to God. Hell no.


The motto of "one nation under God" came about in the 1950's.

Some of our governmental principles were influenced by Christianity, however, those principles were in turn influenced by ancient Greek and Roman governmental principles.

So, to answer your initial question, NO, I do not wish that we'd turn back to God.


You don't know what your even talking about. This nation was founded on liberty. Freedom of religion, speech, the press, etc. "Under God" was added officially to the pledge in 1954.


God is not after all and you will never find Him in the popular things. Do you understand that it is the few that find the way that leads to Life? Enoch walked with God when the world had turned to violence. Where sin abounds grace abounds all the more. Let the world have its way for illusion must pass away for that is its nature.

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