Basement Pipe For Sewer or Storm Water?

I have 3 Cast Iron Pipes in my basement for waste water. 2 are used and I know one of them is for sewer. The other may be for rain water or sewer, I am not sure. The third one is the question.

It is capped in the floor and I don't know if it is sewer or drainage. I have drain tile in my home and a sump pump so I am not sure. I would like to make it a toilet if it is for sewer service but I don't know which it is.

How can I figure out if this is a sanitary or a storm drain? Would i have to call the city or have a plumber verify it for me, or is there a way I could know which type of drain this is?


Two of them are hooked up and in use in my home. The third one is capped like in the picture.

The two in use are right next to each other on one side of the basement, the odd one out is by itself on the other side of the basement and is the one that is capped.

Irv S2013-06-17T12:48:33Z

Favorite Answer

I'm guessing that you used to have a septic system, or combined
storm & sewer, and then were changed over to municipal sewer / storm water.'
That old line is most likely disconnected.


Go call put your tax dollars to work and call the city. Good chance that the capped drain was for a commode that was removed or never installed.


Open the pipe (take the cap off) and smell it. If it smells like sewage, it's sewage. If it smells like a puddle, it's storm water.