can a cat have internal bleeding?

well i noticed that there was blood in my cats ear but like in it, the blood didn't come out but like near its nerves in the ear i cant tell her had internal bleeding! But he seems normal, he eats, he uses the bathroom, and even plays. it doesn't seem to bother him but is that bad that he had internal bleeding? he is a year and a half! by the way he is not sick he seems normal


Favorite Answer

Yes he can. What he has is a hematoma and the vet needs to see him to take care of it. If you let it go too long, the ear will burst and you will have a lot more problems.


If there aren't any 24 hour emergency vets in your area, business-hour vets generally have an after-hours answering service. Go through the phone book and call every vet until you get an actual person. Explain the situation...they should be able to help!


Um, if we had internal bleeding would that be bad? Yea! Schedule an i appointment for him for the vet's office. I highly suggest you do this.

Thanks for asking! =)


yes it is possible and u should see a doctor for that


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