Who's the KING OF KINGS in Music?

I have grown watching Steven Spielberg movies, I love them all. One thing is very special in him movies is music by John Williams. Truly amazing musician, one of the best in the history.
His music is special, very divine for sure. I mean, how can I not mention theme of E.T? That flaying scene in ET was amazing because of Mr. Williams.
But as I grew up, I heard ""THE GREAT Ennio Morricone"" Now he is the man, truly great.
His each piece of music is a masterpiece. We know it..! I mean if he was in the world during the period of Renaissance then he would have been an alternate god of music.

So.. What you people think? Who is really KING OF KINGS?

Cray fish2013-06-18T04:54:57Z

Favorite Answer

Williams is probably most prolific for film scores but there's also John Barry. There's also Jack Nitzsche, composer of the Starman movie theme and Alan Silvestri who did the music for the movie Castaway. I'd say it's got to be John Williams. He's done the most scores and is most well known for the Spielberg movie music for sure.


King Harvest
King Diamond
Kings Of Leon


michael jackson is the king of pop
elvis is the king of rock and roll
madonna is the queen of pop/rock
james brown is the godfather of soul
aretha franklin is the queen of soul
prince is the prince of pop
janet jackson is the princess of pop
tina turner is the queen of rock and roll
donna summers is queen of disco

out of all of them i think michael jackson is the king of kings!!!


the others are talented but Elvis is the king