Okay, fine homosexuality is a sin, and they're all going to hell?

Now explain to me again why we aren't going to let them marry each other in the meantime? I mean, it's no skin off of your back.


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Because you are changing the definition of marriage and any and all benefits that go with being married...........>

Obviously anyone that disagrees with me having an opinion will call me names and intolerant, but its ok for them to be intolerant of me...........>


In the meantime? My friend, you have no idea whatsoever of Christ's returning. When He returns for the second time, no one will be able to justify their sins, which is why we need Jesus. So, bottom line get with Him. Call out to Him.

It is the skin off of our backs because YOU are the ones WE were called to be the light to. Everyone is in dire need of Jesus, and we are here to lead you to Truth in Him. We do it because we love you, not because we want to tick you off or hurt you in any way. We care too much (but more importantly HE cares too greatly) to let you live in sin and life half a life. Also, why wouldn't you want to live with God? Life with Him is so much better. It's not a joke. It's the Truth. <3

rain drop2013-06-18T10:31:12Z

We all fall short of the glory of God. We all sin, except God. I do not support or oppose legalizing gay marriage. I do believe instead of forcing the issue, we as a society and the gay community need to have civil unions made effective as of yesterday. The marriage debate can continue, but partners and children deserve protection under the law. If they want Gods blessing, then privately have such a ceremony. However, forcing the issue is highly premature without any history to provide evidence for or against this family unit and its effect on the individual and relationship to others,


God knew I was bisexual before I did. Know that we are not all the same. Some of us are honest with ourselves, and though I am a sheep, my Shepherd is who I follow, not those damn politicians who are experts at playing people like a harp. I chose my leader well, I think.

As for Gay Marriage, I see it as a issue which shows the lack of dedication to the message Christ told us to preach; the Gospel. We aren't supposed to be a political party for Jesus, it's not what he told us to do for him.

I'd be a sinner whether I was bi or not. So are those so called straight people.


it is about not agreeing with or encouraging the sin people want to do.

should we just remove all laws and say "okay, murder is a sin, but why stand in the way if someone wants to murder their spouse. it's no skin off of our nose"

or stealing or committing adultery. we should just remove the laws from the books which keep people from doing sinful things and just let everyone do what they want to do.

lots of folks think that it doesn't hurt anyone if a gay couple wants to get married, but how much does it hurt the mother of a lesbian woman who has been dreaming of mr. right for her daughter and her wedding day for 25 years? how much does it hurt when those parents of a gay person have to finally come to terms with the fact that there will be no grandchildren and if there are, they will be adopted or artifcially produced.

how much does it hurt the other family members and or friends? it is just impossible for anyone to do anything like getting married, regardless of who they marry, without it affecting and taking skin off of someone's nose.

in addition to all of that. it is costing millions of tax payers dollars to pay law makers to write the laws which allow the marriages in the states where they do and then even further millions for them to have to re-write the laws regarding divorce in order to accomodate a totally different type of marriage relationship like this.

all of that does not even include the need for just ordinary people to learn how to correctly address a married homosexual couple as well as the need to redo tons of things like job applications and other legal papers so that they can accomodate a different type of marriage relationship and be pc.

so it is simply not true that this issue does not affect other people who are not actually involved with them. it affects our entire life style and the way our tax money is spent and some people obeject to having their tax dollars spent on making it easier for people to sin.

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