Need help with high end gaming machine?
Okay i would appreciate any advice or help that you guys can give me on this. I have no budget so feel free to suggest any components you want even if they are $1000 ill be saving up for each and every componet and it will take about three years to fully build. So what im asking is what is the best CPU motherboard, graphics card, and ram out there for a really powerful gaming machine. I want it to be able to run games like skyrim, gta 5 and other such games on the highest quality setting with little to no lag time. This doesnt include online only games because im not a multiplayer kind of guy. I also want to build it myself so i know it inside and out so i wont buy an alienware prebuilt machine. Its also important because three years from now my sons will be 4 and a half and three and its something i would like to teach them how to do aas early as possible so if they enjoy doing it they have a goal in life and will strive to achieve it.