Has anyone heard of a colonoscopy prep that does not allow you to eat for 72 hours?

This is my second colonoscopy in two weeks. Both required a 2 day prep, both required me not to eat for at least 72 hours. Having to do a 2nd because first was not clear enough. This is horrible. I have never heard of anyone having to fast this long. Can this be healthy? The last time I ate was a 5 pm Monday night, will not be able to eat until after procedure today which is at 4pm. This was the same last week. It is so bad it almost makes you want to just not have it done, however I had a large polyp and must follow up to make sure all is o.k.Waiting on biopsy also. Horrible two weeks.


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Yes, this is pretty normal. Make sure you remain hydrated, the body is very resilient. 3 days without water, 3 minutes without air, 3 weeks without food.

Next time you see your Dr. you may ask them for a stimulant based medication to cover the 72 hours such as Adderall, or Dexedrine. These medications are controlled substances (level II highest level), as they work off of dopamine the same as Meth. However, they are very effective in suppressing appetite. Note, you will feel euphoric and happy on them but as long as he only gives you three day supply you will be fine. As a pharmacist I have seen several scripts written for this very reason.