Pain in left side of neck, shoulder blade and arm?

I'm 34 weeks pregnant(not sure if that's important) and some days, alot recently I have this achy feeling in the back of my neck and shoulder blade and my arm it feels similar to sore muscle pain and sometimes it feels like it's in the left side of my chest. I don't do any heavy lifting or excercise that would pull something, could it maybe be how I sleep? I put two thick pillows under my head at night and I sleep on my left side sometimes with my arm above my head. Thanks for any info.


Favorite Answer

Hello Snickerd

It is very crucial stage of your pregnancy, so be careful. You should also consult with Physiotherapist and take a useful advice. Take care of yourself.


I wish I had this 2 years ago when I damaged my rotator cuff while showing off. This is very detailed and really gives you the techniques you need to sort out your own shoulder issues and a lot more info such as preventing further injuries. If you have a shoulder keeping you awake at night you'll know it's no laughing matter.

Stop Shoulder Pain Permanently?


You might have carpel tunnel or a pinched nerve. I have tingling limbs and it's a pinched nerve. But I am not doctor so I can't really say in your situation. In the past ive had tingling and pain in my wriststhat traveled up my arm and to my should and that was carpel tunnel