Can I Receive Unemployment Benefits?

I have worked 2 jobs. I have to work 2 jobs! Recently, I lost my 1 job. Can I apply for unemployment benefits while I am looking for something else? Thank you for your time.


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It is possible that you might be able to receive unemployment benefits if certain rules and limits are met.

The rules on unemployment compensation are complicated and may vary by state; but if you are making more than some threshold amount on your remaining job, you might not be able to get benefits - or you might get some partial benefits.

It is best that you visit your unemployment office and find out whether you are qualified. Bring proof of both jobs, personal identification, and a work history with you.


Don't mess with unemployment its not worth it its always best to work. Cause you can have to repay that money and be with out a income. And you know the government they wants the money


if you are still working the second job, you are employed.
in order to collect, you need laid off. you cant quit.