Possible conception month?

I m going to my OB/GYN tomorrow for an ultrasound to find out exactly how far along I am, but I'm just curious as to when my possible conception month was.

My last period was from April 3rd to the 7th. On April 26th I felt like I was getting an yeast infection and had my doctor call me in a pill. I was due for my next period on May 1st and it never came. I took three home pregnancy tests that month and they were all negative. My next period was due the beginning of June and it never came either. I took a home pregnancy test on June 9th and it came back positive. By the end of April and into May I was starting to get early pregnancy symptoms, but I didn't actually start to feel pregnant until the end of May, beginning of June.

Is it possible I conceived in April or is it more likely that my period was just late in May and I conceived that month?


Favorite Answer

You most likely conceived in April. Sometimes your body doesn't produce enough of the hormone to be detected In a pregnancy test, although you probably were already pregnant, that's why you missed your period.