How do you pronounce this name?


How would you pronounce this? Saw this on tv the other day. Anyone have any idea what it means?

celtic owl2013-06-27T10:07:13Z

Favorite Answer

Pronunciation: say-SHELL

It probably comes from the name of the island country, the Republic of Seychelles (say-SHELZ).
The islands were named after Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Louis XV's Minister of Finance.


It's pronounced Say-Shell

I think this person is named after the Seychelles islands



I know there is an island called Seychelles.


Say-SHELL. It's spelled the same way as the Seychelles Islands, which doesn't surprise me considering people name their kids China, Zealand, and Croatia now.


Didn't do geography at school then?

The Seychelles are group of islands off the east coast of Africa, or North-east of Madagascar.

Its said "Say-shells"

Presume the "name" is exactly the same.

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