Was Jesus born Cesarean?
Or was he born like most of us, and rubbed his face in his mother's vagina?
Or was he born like most of us, and rubbed his face in his mother's vagina?
Favorite Answer
Same normal way. Wet and slippery.
"As we have seen, the "virgin birth" was an ancient forgery or simplistic mistake: pure fiction. The stork that delivered Jesus was an ordinary one, not a magical gossamer and haloed birdie on a holy mission from heaven..."
@Kira, below - you are partially right. True that it was a mistranslation of the Hebrew word "almah" (young woman) into "parthenos" (Greek, "virgin") the New Testament nevertheless always, in every version, uses the erroneous word "virgin" to describe the mythical character "Mary."
The virgin birth was a mistranslation of a Hebrew word that meant "virgin" or "young woman". The Bible actually described Mary as a young woman, not a virgin.
Like most of us... I highly doubt they had the tools to do a C section in a stable... In fact, I'm pretty sure they didn't do C sections at all that long ago...
Natural birth. I don't think they had caesareans then. Mary probably wouldn't have survived