I was sitting in a chair playing video games and all of a sudden, I got this pain in the back left side of my neck. It hurts to tilt my head to the left and to completely turn to the left. It hurts even worse to look up, but I can look down just fine. What is this random pain?? I didn't even do anything.. When will it go away? I have to work in an hour, but I can't work like this!! Please help :(
You're at the age when your body's hormones are kicking into high gear, so don't be down on yourself if you're getting acne :) We all go through it including myself. For your skin: Wash your face about twice daily..especially before going to bed is the most important time. Use a mild cleanser like plain Dove soap (works for me)...Using harsh acne creams and washes may dry out your face and actually irritate the acne, making it worse and causing redness all over. Also, after cleansing, use a light FACIAL lotion, such as Olay...anything oil free :) And P.S. freckles are cute :) For the dark circles: Maybe try getting more sleep, drinking more water and if you want, use a concealer. Make sure you match your skin tone so it doesn't look obvious though! Good luck with everything!