Does God like grammar? Does he abhor it?

Forrest Toney2013-06-29T14:18:29Z

I can't understand why we English speaking people don't accept my new alphabet found in my "About Me" so that we can spell phonetically , instead of having to spend so much of our valuable time memorizing words for a spelling B .
When people vote for me to be in charge I will try to get everyone to only use my new alphabet .
Maybe the key boards can establish an other key for adding a line on top of the long sounding vowels , like the one used to make a lower case letter become a capital letter .


The Christian god is illiterate which is why he made some ignorant desert dwelling misogynistic men write his book for him. He cares not about grammar, mainly because he doesn't exist.


He wrote the Bible, so he must know something about it. Oh, wait a minute, he only dictated it. My bad.


he done invented it