I am studying the female aspects of paganism.?

Can you please give me your opinions on what they are. I am a Neo-Pagan myself.
Honest answers please, no negativity allowed here.


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there's many different types of paganism, and different laws for feminism and masculinity. remember, when Gerald gartner started with popular paganism such as the wiccan religion, the overall diety was not a woman, it wasn't till later, a woman confronted him and told him how it was a female, things then did change.
the overall, "mother" of the universe isn't a woman, that's a fact. in my line of religion and culture, we believe that in the beginning, there was the all which is totally chaotic, there is no peace and everything is random. but because of a sin the souls of the universe committed, it split into two. creating male and female sides of the universe. male is refered more to being spiritual, and female is considered the mundane and masculine. so the goddess rules the earth, and the god rules the spiritual realm. (may I remind you this is one taste of science rather then a factual stem u should latch onto). so there you go.
women worship whatever they want, but if you want more power, best to worship the spiritual god, since rightfully women are designed to work better with knowledge then with brawn (just the way it is), and men vice versa. men worship the earth, women worship the sea or "abyss" of the soul.
anyone who worships the sun tho, it's considered unhealthy magickal practice, humans aren't supposed to worship the sun or solar dieties, just respect them.


Paganism is a polytheistic belief where the GODDESS(ES) were originally thought of first and the GOD(S) second. It was later that MEN wanted to be in control and started giving the GODDESS(S) lesser and lesser roles until finally cutting them out completely with monotheists. I don't like the term NEO because the core beliefs have been around since the dawn of man. AND I am not sure what you consider a "female aspect." The GODDESS was considered the nurturer and creator. She was fierce yet loving while the GOD was the one who was the warrior (sound familiar?) and destroyer. I hope this helps.


I'll stick to what I know, which is not a heck of a lot.

I do know that approximatively 20 000 years ago, early societies still tended to be matriarchal and that statues of the Earth Goddess can be traced to that far back in the past and that matriarchy does seem to be a constant of primitive society.

As mercantilism and war became more dominant, males tended to take over with their imagery.

I'm a male myself and wouldn't be talking about this if I didn't think it was relevant.

Scarlet MacBlu2013-06-30T02:25:32Z

Which pagan religion are you talking about?

I'm not sure aspects of religion have gender associated with them. I mean, a deity might have feminine aspects or "energy" might be considered masculine or feminine, but beliefs and practices are pretty neutral... anyone can share a belief and as far as practices go, they vary by individual anyways, so, it's not so much about gender.