Am I really better off single, or should I take a chance and find a good woman to share my life with...?

...And take a chance and end up marrying her?


@Lily: What the hey makes you think I still live with my folks?


Favorite Answer

being single is not bad. Wait until you find the right one, you will know. Marriage is serious, don't divorce her. Make sure you love her. Being single is OK.


If you are lucky enough to find the right one, it will be better than you can imagine. Ending up with the wrong one can be the worst thing ever, though. Go slow and take your time.


I was single when all of a sudden an emotion called "love" got to me because a man claimed to be there to love me forever.I am hurt and trying to come back to life now because we both needed to concentrate on our careers first and hence broke up.
So,in my opinion,being single is the best..


baby steps. why don't you first trying leaving your parents basement for an hour?

;) j/k


Do whatever will benefit your life and affect it in positive ways :)