I feel like I've lost my passion for literature and reading?

Reading is something I've done since I was in first grade. I can pretty much track each series I fixated on and read as I grew up in the order in which I fixated on them, and starting in the seventh grade, I began keeping track of every book I read, the author, the date I started and finished them... it was like keeping a literature diary. I have always treasured my book list. I wanted to be an English major because of how much I love(d) literature and the joy I get (got?) out of exploring the literary techniques/themes/author's biography/etc.

I'm going into my senior year of college, now, and I'm pretty sure this decline in interest might have happened around sophomore year. I'm not an English major, but I am a minor, so I've taken a bunch of English classes and my favorite class that I've ever taken in my whole college career has been one on Jane Austen, one of my favorite writers. But since I started college, pretty much every book I've read has been for a class, and because of certain requirements, I haven't always had a choice in the class I take and therefore the kind of literature I read. An obvious remedy for that is to just read what I want over the summer. But I never feel like it. I would rather just sit and watch TV, and I don't know why that is.

Currently, I'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in Spanish, partially because it's a goal of mine to read the series in Spanish, and partially because it's the only Spanish practice I get. So, again... it's like I've assigned myself work. I don't feel like picking up even a favorite to read.

So, after all of that background information, I guess my question is: Has this ever happened to you? What did you do to try to "fix" it? What do you think was the cause of it? And, lastly, do you have any advice for me?


Just an additional piece of information: Realizing that I've lost interest in reading has been an especially strange and painful thing because books have been such a natural part of my identity for my entire life. All of my high school teachers just KNEW I would be an English major. I've lost a huge part of my identity and nobody really knows, and everyone just keeps assuming and expecting that I am exactly the same as I always was, in regards to literature. I know some of you have said not to feel guilty but I somehow really do.

Anyway, thanks for the answers, so far. I appreciate that you guys are taking this seriously, and I appreciate the comfort. It's really what I need :)

Smiles (derailed)2013-07-01T08:11:04Z

Favorite Answer

Sympathies, Lyra.
I get it, I really do. I can remember not one, but many times where I've tried and failed to be interested in reading for months at a time. I felt like a bit of a cheater, you know? When you declare to the world that reading will be your one passion and then suddenly you don't feel like it anymore. The reason *I* fell into the dry spell was, I think, that I took life too seriously. Reading about hobbits and wands and Mr. Darcy just felt petty and trivial compared to my first world problems-- namely, school, school, school. And since I never wanted to take out the time to delve into a book and thoroughly explore it, I resorted to quick getaways like music and movies. They were shorter and required less effort to enjoy. And I was a lazy bird :p

I'm not the wisest old lady of the bunch, but this is my take.

Disinterest in certain hobbies or activities happens all the time. If you're naturally growing out of your interest in reading, that doesn't exactly call for a foul. It doesn't mean you're betraying anything or anyone. It's okay to just stop doing what you liked to do constantly since you were six. It doesn't make you any less or more of a person. What I'm trying to say is, if your interest in reading has been steadily on the decline for the past two years, and you feel like you won't be regaining it anytime soon, don't feel broody and moody and guilty over it. Don't feel compelled to jump on the book bandwagon because people around you are bookworms. Just let it go.

A second (and more probable, in my opinion) possibility is that you're in a rut. I love books and (regardless of whether I'm in a I've-lost-interest-in-books phase or not) always will. I think that the constant essays and interpretations of themes and symbolism and what not that English minors/majors do has made reading strenuous for you. Maybe when you pick up a book to read for pleasure, you find yourself reading even that book the way you read for your classes? And it follows from that, that the constant exposure to books and literature during your college classes makes you stay away from them when you do have free time. For example, I love Physics and I'm a Physics student, and I have around 3 classes a day, 6 days a week. Naturally, you won't exactly find me poring over Newton during the vacations, as much as I love it.

So the point of my aimless rant is this. Just do what you want. It sounds very cliche, because you have TV shows and songs and movies and books telling you the same thing over and over, but seriously. Just do what you want. You don't like reading? Fine. Go watch a movie. (I recommend Moonrise Kingdom, by the way-- that movie is bizarre). Don't overthink or obsess about it. If you *do* like reading and feel that need to go out and find something nearly as epic and tear-worthy as Harry Potter, then go to a bookstore and explore and experiment. You'll be thoroughly disappointed because the book is crap. *Or* you just might find that something. It's a hit and miss. But do it if you want to.
Break some rules. Judge books by their covers. Read chick-lit. Or the dreaded historical fiction. Dog ear books if you feel like it.

I never really tried to 'fix' my disinterest in books. I just let it be. I did other stuff and eventually came back to books. I think you should do that too. If you come back to books, great. Read The Mortal Instruments before the movie comes out. If not, plant petunias or something. It doesn't really matter.




This happened to me about a year ago but for an entirely different reason. I got a new phone, a iphone. And I was on it 24/7 and instead of reading 2-4 books a week I was reading 1 a month. I started again when we read "the giver" in class and it got me reading even though I didn't even like the book that much. My advice for you is that you take a break from Harry Potter and read something entirely new and different. Just pick a book of the shelf from the library and read it. If that doesn't work do what I did. Take your tv and don't watch it. Like ever. And when your out of your mind with boredom don't read either. Don' do anything like that for a couple days and then your mind will be refreshed. Like the reset button. Hope this helps.


English Major here: I understand completely! I love reading and the only time I get to read a book of my choosing is during the summer. I have had the same feeling as you described. Actually I am going through that right now because I'm taking summer classes =( My antidote is to get a book that is the complete opposite of books assigned to me at school. Just walk into a library (avoid the classics; I know that's hard) and peruse through the guilty pleasures. Yup, walk over to the fantasy or romantic comedy sections. Stay away from the war or suicide books until you get the itch for reading back.

An abundance of Catherine's- John Green
Let it snow- various authors, its a collab.
The princess bride- There is only the abridged version by William Goldman =( just skip over the italics and it is everything you want in a book (comedy, romance, fantasy, sword fights)


This isn't losing your identity, it's growing out of your old one and into a new one. You'll be searching for you're identity you're whole life! What's wrong with liking Spanish? So what if you like it, it's not the end of the world. You know how you're not supposed to judge people without getting to know them first? Well, you got to know Spanish and it turns out you actually like it, so keep liking it and let yourself enjoy the beauty of languages. As for German, ITS NOT BORING! I'm offended, I'm German and love the language. You're right though, it is much much harder than Spanish. You've just lost touch with it is all. If you are really desperate to renew your motivation, I suggest you watch some German movies, or even go there and make some friends. It's all about what you want to do, not what you force yourself to want only because your past wanted it. If you really can't like it anymore, there's nothing you can do about it. Best of luck!

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