What are your thoughts on this quote from Francis Cardinal George?

"I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square." Cardinal George is currently the archbishop of Chicago.


Cardinal George is a prophet. See this news item on the murder of Fr. Francois Murad in Syria. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23138679

Dick Knows2013-07-02T02:18:20Z

Favorite Answer

I think it means the persecution of Christians for their faith will continue to get worse thru imprisonment to blatant execution as predicted so long ago. A few years back, I would have thought his timeline ridiculously optomistic, but things are ramping up.


Well a martyr is someone who is killed for their belief, I assume that means that whatever his successors belief in will go against the opinion of one who does not fear to exercise their deadly force.

But beyond the obvious, why is his death peaceful and the others in some sort of pain? Maybe those successors beliefs in the future are purer than his or maybe the times are going to become more hostile.

Who knows..


Wow is what i can say to this. Sounds like a persecution of a certain group/groups.